In our 60-hectares vineyard in the Salnés Valley, in the Rías Baixas area (Galicia), we pour all our expertise, scientific knowledge and humanity into growing Albariño grape and producing authentic, charismatic, high-quality wines that aspire to become world-renowned.

Our logo is a visual poem. These six A’s embody the fearless spirit of our fellowship: Albariño, Authentic, Adega (“winery”), Atlantic Art with Amor (“love”). Six A’s, representing six Salnés Valley families with a long-standing winemaking tradition who came together at the beginning of the 21st century to run this winery as a family business, combining traditional Galician expertise with the will to adapt to an open, ever-changing world.

While traditional winemaking is the cornerstone of our company, we have taken on new business protocols to adapt to the origin and quality controls to receive the “Galicia Quality” label. We have also undergone an audit in order to become certified to ISO 9001 and 14001.

We want you come and discover us, taste our wines, be moved, and take back home with you a newfound love of Galicia and its culture. Terra de Asorei’s Albariño wines truly are a part of the Atlantic art tradition.